
2024 Calendar now ready…
September 28, 2023
My 2024 calendar featuring new paintings from throughout the year is now available for purchase. They are £12 + pp. Please contact me via email [email protected] or via the contact…Read More
The lock-down measures to protect us all from the Covid-19 virus have been firm and unrelenting…to date. It’s really in times like this that you realise how very lucky you are in so many ways. Hearing the tragic stories daily about individuals and families affected by the virus has been heartbreaking…the garden has become a sanctuary to retreat to, to be part of nature and to protect yourself from overwhelming anxiety. We feel so privileged to have a garden and appreciate it more than we ever have…the weather helps too!
I have been unable to work now for 8 weeks, having my home studio has really enabled me to paint, looking out into the garden has given me great inspiration. The air seems clearer, traffic noise has been much reduced and the sound of birdsong has been much more evident. I’ve been able to watch parent blackbirds hop about the garden with their large, fluffy fledgelings in tow. Yesterday, a little robin sat with us amidst the raspberry bushes – brave as can be and singing its little heart out!
Ella has enjoyed having our company all day, every day (I think)… I do miss seeing family and friends and being able to stride out, however, the opportunity to have life slow down to a very manageable pace has been a unique experience – I just wish it wasn’t due to such dire circumstances.
September 28, 2023
My 2024 calendar featuring new paintings from throughout the year is now available for purchase. They are £12 + pp. Please contact me via email [email protected] or via the contact…Read More